Discover an easy pan mee noodle recipe for a taste of Malaysia at home

Credit: A Kitchen Cat


Chili Pan Mee Noodle Recipe in Malaysia


Originating from Malaysia, Chilli Pan Mee Noodle has gained significant popularity, particularly in Kuala Lumpur, making it a must-try for those seeking spicy foods. This beloved spicy dish offers a fiery taste experience for every palate. Preparing it at home allows precise control over the spice level, ensuring enjoyment without overwhelming heat. 

In this article, we will talk about how to make a Chilli Pan Mee Noodle at home with handmade noodles using flour from a trustworthy wheat flour supplier in Malaysia, so you can make everything from scratch. With this pan mee recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy the authentic flavours of Malaysia right in your kitchen!


Ingredients for Chilli Pan Mee Noodle:

  1. Chilli:
    • ½ garlic
    • 4 cili padi
    • 1 handful dried shrimp
    • 2 handfuls dried chillies (soaked)
    • 4-5 medium red onions
    • 5 tablespoons oil
  1. Fresh Homemade Noodles:
  1. Minced Pork:
    • Dash of salt
    • Dash of pepper
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 1 teaspoon light soy sauce
    • 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
    • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
    • 2 tablespoons oil
    • ¼ cup water
    • 300g minced pork

Try out the simple pan mee recipe for a Malaysian's favourite comfort food


  1. Soup:
    • Salt (to taste)
    • Pepper (to taste)
    • Baby spinach (as much as preferred)
    • 1 handful of anchovies
    • 1L water
  1. Assembly:
    • Poached egg
    • Fried anchovies
    • Coriander leaves

Understanding the differences between plain flour vs all-purpose flour can significantly influence the texture and flavour of your Chili Pan Mee Noodles.


How to Prepare the Chilli Pan Mee Noodle:


Step 1: Blend all ingredients in a blender; you may require additional oil to help blend.

Step 2: In a wide pan, cook the chilli over medium heat (be cautious, as it may cause eye irritation).

Step 3: Stir continuously until the mixture becomes dry and significantly darker in colour, typically taking about 20-30 minutes.

Step 4: Once cooked, transfer the chilli to a bowl and allow it to cool. 


Fresh Homemade Noodles:

Step 1: In a mixer with a dough attachment, combine all-purpose flour, salt, and water, and knead for 5 minutes.

Step 2: Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Divide the dough into 4 portions and roll them out using a pasta machine or cut them using a knife.


Explore flavourful chili pan mee recipe for a delicious spicy dish


Minced Pork:

Step 1: Marinate the minced pork with the sauce ingredients.

Step 2: Fry garlic in oil in a pan, then add the marinated minced pork and cook.

Step 3: Season with salt and pepper.

Step 4: Add water or stock and simmer until the sauce reduces.



Step 1: Boil water and anchovies in a pot; you can add stock cubes for extra flavour if desired.

Step 2: Season the broth.

Step 3: Blanch the spinach before serving, if preferred.



How to Assemble the Chilli Pan Mee Noodle:

Step 1: Wash the anchovies thoroughly, pat them dry, and fry them; this step can be done in advance.

Step 2: Poach the eggs, then set them aside.

Step 3: Cook the noodles in the same pot of water until they are springy and float to the top.

Step  4: To assemble, place the noodles in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of chilli (or more if preferred), minced meat, fried anchovies, and poached eggs, and garnish with coriander leaves.


Serving Suggestion


Chilli Pan Mee Noodles can be enjoyed with a drizzle of chilli oil


When serving Chilli Pan Mee Noodles, set out crispy fried anchovies, poached or fried eggs, sliced red chillies, and chopped scallions. You can also have soy sauce, chilli oil, and vinegar handy for people to spice up their noodles to taste.

Throw in some pickled veggies or a basic salad to round out the flavours. Make sure to mix those noodles well with the chilli paste before piling on the toppings and sauces for a lip-smacking meal!


Chilli Pan Mee Noodle is a delightful and spicy dish that has captured many people’s hearts and taste buds. Its rich history, unique flavours, and handmade noodles make it a standout in Malaysian cuisine. By following the step-by-step instructions in this article, you can recreate this mouthwatering chilli pan mee recipe in the comfort of your kitchen!


The spiciness of the dish can be adjusted according to your preference. If you prefer a milder version, you can reduce the amount of chilli used.

Certainly! Feel free to experiment with different protein options, such as chicken, beef, or even tofu, to suit your dietary preferences.

Yes, you can customise the toppings according to your preferences. Some common additions include tofu, mushrooms, vegetables, or extra chilli paste for more heat.

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